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Painting Done Right!

Your Experienced Painters in the Montebello Area

Montebello painting contractors

Your Montebello home will enjoy the best beauty and the highest value if you invest in only the highest-quality painting services. For that quality of paintwork, call on the pros at Bear Island Painting. Our experienced house painters can get your home looking great while allowing it to enjoy the highest value thanks to the many great services we offer:

Enjoy Your Home Time to the Fullest with a Fresh Interior Painting

You’re bound to spend the majority of your downtime right in your home. So, shouldn’t you make your home the most enjoyable place to spend your time? We certainly think so. How can you fully enjoy the time you’ll spend in your home? A great start for that purpose is to maintain a beautiful interior painting.

After all, a stunning interior coat of paint can help improve your mood by providing a beautiful living space for you. It can also help you feel your best by cleaning up your home’s indoor air quality. You can fully enjoy the benefits that a fresh interior painting can offer your Montebello home, have this work handled by our experienced team.

Top-Rated Exterior Painting Work in Montebello

The quality of your home’s exterior coat of paint will have a significant effect on the overall look and quality of your home. Unfortunately, your exterior paint job is bound to suffer as it remains exposed to the sun, rain, and other damaging elements. Fortunately, though, you can always call us for a fresh exterior coat of paint. With this service, we’ll help you get back a number of your Montebello home’s key qualities:

Get Your Montebello Home Looking New with Our Pressure-Washing Work

A fresh coat of paint can only go so far to keep your home looking clean and beautiful. After all, there’s still the matter of the day-to-day wear that’s bound to leave your home’s outer half looking far from its best. Over time, your beautiful exterior coat of paint can become buried under a thick layer of dirt, grime, and even mold and mildew growths.

If your Montebello home is looking unsightly in this way, you don’t need to worry. Why? Simple: because you can always call our experienced team for a professional pressure washing today! With this service, we’ll get your home’s exterior cleaned up in no time so that it’ll look its best once more.

Recent Painting Projects in Montebello, CA

Montebello, CA Bathroom Interior Painting Project

Montebello, CA Bathroom Interior Painting Project

In this Mentebello, CA home, we were hired to help with a bathroom renovation project. The bathtub was installed by a seperate company. Bear Island Painting was in charge of repairing drywall, as well as texturing and painting the bathroom...

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If you are looking for a professional Montebello painting company, call 626-727-2050 or complete our online request form